My name is Ryan.
I am a freelance Creative Director, Art Director & Writer.
I sometimes work as a Film Director & Photographer here.

On occasion, I also work with another guy named Sam Liu
under the Monicker Horses & Mules, a creative consultancy
and traveling ad agency if you will.

I also died once and it's a pretty cool story.

I generally work in advertising, but have been known to
drift into other fields. I grew up on islands. Guam & Hawaii specifically)

I lived in China for three and a half years and have
had the privilege of a global career. That means I'm
pretty comfortable working anywhere. So if you've got
a project that you think i'd be good for, reach out and
lets make something. This is my CV.

hello@ryangerber.com horsesandmules.com ryangerber.com

This site is a constant work in progress.
So if you click on something and it doesn't work.
I apologize in advanced.